Upstate Geeks United

Upstate Geeks embraces a wide range of interests, including sci-fi, gaming, hiking, and food. Our inclusive community is open to individuals who are enthusiastic about their interests, regardless of their background or level of involvement. Our goal is to foster an inclusive environment where all individuals feel comfortable and encouraged to participate in meetups and form connections beyond the digital realm. Regardless of the duration of your stay, we value and honor the contributions made by each and every member.

Join our Discord

Chat Online

Upstate Geeks takes pride in creating a warm and polite community where everyone may feel at home. Our conversation is a lively tapestry of geek culture, with distinct channels for sci-fi fans, magic enthusiasts, gamers, and others. Here, you’ll find a network of people that share your interests and actually care about one another. We believe in establishing an environment in which everyone is treated with compassion and respect, so our chat is a haven for cheerful banter, smart debates, and genuine support. Join us to experience the warmth and camaraderie that make Upstate Geeks a very unique group.

Meet In Person

Our live events are part of the heart of the Upstate Geeks community. It is our chance to bring our online relationships to life. We regularly get together to share a meal, play our favorite games, and provide a helping hand to one another. These get-togethers are more than simply fun; they demonstrate the strong sense of community we’ve created. We chose accessible places with large tables to accommodate parties of 4 to 10 individuals, making sure everyone feels welcome and included. Whether you’re a long-time member or a novice, our live events provide an excellent opportunity to deepen friendships and create unforgettable memories with other geeks.

Gaming Together

Along with to our in-person meetups, Upstate Geeks thrives on an array of online events that bring our community together from the comfort of our own homes. Our Minecraft gaming sessions are a huge success, with unlimited adventures and interactive gameplay. But the fun doesn’t end there; we also host movie viewing parties via Discord, where we sync our screens and discuss our ideas in real time. From virtual game evenings to online quizzes, we are constantly seeking for new and exciting ways to interact and have fun online. Join us and be a part of the action.